@@@@@@@@@@@@@FROM SIR T@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ here it is: just cut n paste: Well, it all started back in the days of AOL. I get interesed in the warez seen. I found zelficam and was like, "dude, this kicks ass$@#%#@%". I then got myself interested in hotline. I could never find a good tracker untill I found tracked.dyn.ml.org. It was so cool, unlimited warez. Then, the sad day cam - shit, my gardes were low and i got aol taken away. shit. the next semester I got earthlink. I then got back itno hotline. It was so cool. Warez - alot faster!@!#@ Wait, what is that? v.2600? Cool. A hacker server. I go ain and a lot of people are talking about shit I enevr knew about. Then, i met with this cool dude - Jester oƒ Sanity. We screwed around on hotline. Some of you who like the server Powerline, im sorry, but me and him fucked it up. We went in, delated all files, uploaded viruses, and made it go offline, permantly. It was so great. This was all about this time last year. Now I know a fairly large amount of information about computer security. I have learned in what year in what it takes most 4-6. Cool eh? (bno im not canadain). I can also program and I am ammember of team2600...